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Helping you remain independent in your own home

We offer support to those who don't require 24 hour care, however need one to several visits throughout the day to help with moving and handling, meal preparation, administering medication, continence care and general housekeeping.

Home care services include:

Epilepsy: All our care assistants receive epilepsy training and how to administer buccal midazolam.

PEG: Most of our care assistants have received training in PEG or will receive this training if needed.

Palliative Care: End of life care aims to help you be as comfortable as possible in the familiar surroundings of your own home.

Dementia Care: We support those who have dementia and wish to stay as independent as possible in their own homes.

Personal Care: We provide all aspects of personal care for those who wish to stay in their own homes. This may include help or support with dressing, washing, meal preparation to support taking medication.

Overnight Care: We offer a sleeping and waking overnight support with either one or more care assistants.

24 Hour care: We offer 24 hour care, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.

Mental Health: Our team are experienced in supporting those in the community living with Autism, Brain Injury, Learning Disabilities and Mental Health conditions.


Feedback received from user's of our service and their relatives in our last CQC inspection.